How To Get Rid Of Abscess Tooth Fast

How To Get Rid Of Abscess Tooth Fast,

In this condition, an infection generally occurs at the base of the tooth near the gums. It leads to a pus filled region under the tooth, causing extreme pain. It causes a severe toothache which makes it really very difficult to eat or drink anything. The pus may grow in size and cause even more problems. However, since it is an infection, the body’s immunity takes charge and works on controlling the infection. Some relief can be obtained by trying things at home and taking rest.


Dental abscess is very painful. It can also lead to many other symptoms.
·         Sharp continuous pain in the mouth which often grows with time. It is a continuous with little respite.
·         There is collection of pus at the site of infection and the pus drains into the mouth.
·         The site of infection swells a lot. This swelling is often visible as a protrusion in the cheek or jaw.
·         It is very difficult to eat or drink anything. The pain intensifies upon movement or vibration.

Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the best home remedies for an abscessed tooth is apple cider vinegar. It helps to cleanse the mouth, rinse out the pus and also aid the body in killing the infection . Take about 2 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. Add it to 1 glass of water. Use this solution to gargle the mouth. It is definitely going to increase the pain but it provides relief from the dental abscess within a few hours.
2. Oil Pulling
Natural cold pressed and organic oils are powerful therapeutic agents. They have antimicrobial actions and the ability to heal damaged skin. One of the best oils for this condition is sesame oil. Take 1 tablespoon sesame oil in the mouth and slowly swish it around. Then spit it out. This also helps to cleanse the mouth and drain away the collected pus. One can also use olive oil as it is a mild pain reliever.

3. Baking Soda

Take a cotton ball and dip it in water. Then pick up some baking soda on this cotton ball and place it right over the place of infection inside the mouth. Remove after about 10 minutes. This should provide some relief from the pain of abscess tooth.

4. Garlic clove

It is a powerful remedy for a mild tooth infection. Garlic is potent natural antibiotic. It kills many strains of bacteria, virus and fungi. One can use it alleviate a dental infection.
Take 1 clove of garlic and peel it off. Hold it between the teeth and crush the garlic. Chew it around a few times and then spit it out. If you can bear the burning sensation, try to avoid rinsing the mouth with water. Garlic reaches the point of infection and starts killing the pathogen. Do this 2 times a day. If you are able to tolerate garlic well, then take it once more.

5. Compress ( for Pain Relief )

One can create different kinds of compress to alleviate the pain of a tooth infection. It is better not to use ice as this may provide pain relief only for a very short term but the pain may rebound much stronger. Use these ingredients in compress to help the body drain out the pus and provide some relief.
·         Castor oil – make a castor oil pack and apply from the outside.
·         Salt – Prepare a concentrated solution of salt and place it on the outside. This helps to bring out the pus.
·         Comfrey – a poultice made with comfrey herb is effective in alleviating pain when applied from outside.
·         Rice bag compress : Make a rice compress and place it near the tooth which is in pain. It can provide immense relief from the toothache of abscessed tooth.
·         Hot water compress – This may increase the pain initially but it usually helps the body get more blood to the site and heal the infection faster.

6. Epsom Salt Rinse

Take 2 tablespoon Epsom salt and dissolve it in 1/2 glass of water. This is a concentrated solution of epsom salt. Now gargle the mouth with it, letting the fluid cross over the pus filled region many times. Then spit it out. Do it once more and then apply a compress for some pain relief. The concentrated salt solution helps to draw out the pus. It also acts as a mild antibacterial and antiseptic.

7. Clove Oil ( the best toothache relief )

Our ancestors really discovered a gem of a remedy. Clove oil can provide very quick relief from the pain [2]. Moreover, it also has antimicrobial properties which helps the body in killing the infection. Take a cotton ball and add 4 – 5 drops of clove oil. Place this closest to the site of infection on the tooth, but never on the gums. The skin of gums is sensitive and may blister from the clove oil. Keep it there for about 5 minutes and then take the cotton ball out. Do not rinse the mouth afterwards.

8. Turmeric Paste

This yellow colored spice is one the most powerful natural antiseptics. One can make use of turmeric to alleviate all the symptoms of a tooth abscess [3]. Take about 1 tablespoon of turmeric and add ample water to make it a thick paste. Soak a cotton ball completely in this solution and place it right near the pus filled region. One should do a rinse before using this so that it gets closest to the infectious material. Keep it one for about 30 minutes to an hour. Turmeric seeps into the tissues around the infection. It lowers inflammation, so swelling is reduced. It is a natural pain killer, so pain is reduced somewhat. It is an antiseptic and prevents the blood from getting infected. This is very important because if the blood gets infected, it can lead to an overall body infection. Finally, it helps to extract all the pus and kill the bacteria.
Adding a pinch of cayenne pepper or black pepper powder can really improve its efficiency.

9. Tea bag

When preparing tea using a tea bag, take it out and place the tea bag on the jaw or cheek where the abscess is located. It can provide relief from the outside. Tea, especially black tea contains tannins which help in reducing swelling.  Sliced potato applied on the outside of the mouth soaks up heat and reduces inflammation, thereby reducing the throbbing pain of the abscess tooth. Gargling with black tea can also help in flushing the bacteria out of the mouth.
Eat foods that are high in zinc :  Have a diet which is high in dietary mineral zinc. This helps in boosting the immune system. This in turn helps the body to fight the microbes which are causing the tooth abscess. So ,eat seeds and nuts. If you cannot eat, try drinking fruit and vegetable juices. They boost the immune system and also help in cleaning the mouth. Taking complete care of yourself . Prepare the bed nicely and meticulously. Make sure to use a soft pillow so that the tooth abscess is not strained. Once can also drink Echinacea tea to bolster the immune system.


A tooth abscess is usually caused by infection of the pulp of the tooth. It is generally mild in most cases but still needs to be looked at by a dentist. If the infection soars up and there is severe inflammation and pain, one should rush to the hospital. It may end up infecting the blood, and in very rare cases, it may even be fatal.